Welcome to the JCCSF Summer Camp Parent Guide. Here you’ll find all the need-to-know info to ensure your child has a safe, seamless and fun experience at summer camp. Click the drop downs below to get the details for K – 10 campers, preschool campers at Helen Diller Family Preschool, and preschool campers at Brotherhood Way Preschool.

K – 10 Summer Camp

Welcome & Doing Jewish

Welcome to Camp at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco! JCCSF Camps provide quality experiences for youth that promote the development of meaningful bonds within our community, build life skills and support the exploration of special interests.

At JCCSF Camps, campers will:

  • Increase self-confidence and explore their sense of self.
  • Gain interpersonal skills to take home as positive and engaged community members.
  • Build connections with their community by exploring the city of San Francisco.

Doing Jewish at JCCSF Camps

The following quotations highlight the seven core values of the JCCSF. Collectively, they are known as the Sheva Middot, or seven core values and they provide the foundation for the Jewish values embedded in much of our camp programming.

K’lal Yisrael – Jewish Inclusiveness

I make this covenant with all who are here this day and also with all who are not here. –Deuteronomy 29:13-14

Ruah – Spirit

Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit. –Zechariah 4:6

Torah – Torah

It is a tree of life to those that hold fast to it. Its ways are delight, and all its paths are peace. –Proverbs 3:17-18

Hahnasat Orhim – Welcoming Strangers

Let your house be open wide.  –Pirkei Avot 1:5

Tzedek – Justice

Until we are all free, we are none of us free. –Emma Lazarus

Tikkun Ha-olam – Repair of the World

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. –Anne Frank

Re-ut – Friendship

Each of us bears the imprint of a friend met along the way, in each the trace of each. –Primo Levi

All programs at the JCCSF are built on these Jewish values and traditions to create a fun and loving environment for kids. We focus on Tikkun Ha-olam (repair of the world), Tzedek (justice), Re-ut (friendship), Ruah (spirit) and Shalom (peace) in our community.

Our campers participate in an all-camp Shabbat celebration every Friday. The celebration includes fresh baked challah (braided bread), singing, dancing, stories and lots of Ruah (spirit)! Every week there will be different camps demonstrating their new skills and talents at all-camp Shabbat – families are welcome to join us!

Contact Info & Communication

Contact Information

Camp Parent Hotline: 415.563.6608

Camp Email: camp@jccsf.org

Camper Registration Questions: 415.292.1263


Jewish Community Center of San Francisco

3200 California Street

San Francisco, CA 94118


Families will receive a welcome email on the Wednesday prior to each camp session. Emails will include a link to a web page with detailed information including drop-off and pick-up procedures, weekly highlights for each camp, and scheduling notes such as swim days and field trips. If you are in a multi-week camp, the web page will have updated scheduling information for each week of the camp.

Emergency Communications

In case of emergency, JCCSF staff will arrange a meeting place for parents. Parents and guardians will be notified via phone or email of such emergencies. If we are unable to contact primary guardians, we will use the designated emergency contact on file. We also keep copies of parent-guardian contacts in various locations of the JCCSF campus. We will make every attempt to proactively contact you if there is such a situation.

JCCSF Camps take all precautions for disaster or emergency by:

  • Participating in evacuation drills prior to summer and throughout the summer.
  • Routinely inspecting emergency and first aid kits.
  • Coordinating with the larger agency of JCCSF to ensure compliance.
  • Training and certifying staff in First Aid/CPR/AED/Infectious Diseases classes.
  • Identifying alternate evacuation sites if the need should arise.

Hours & Drop-Off / Pick-Up Procedures

Camp Hours

Camp runs Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (No camp on June 19 and July 4).

Extended Care

Extended care is not a drop-in program and is not offered on a day-to-day basis. You must register for Extended Care in advance and for each camp session.

Campers in AM Care may arrive anytime between 8:00 – 9:00 am. Parents or guardians must bring campers inside the building and sign them in each morning. You may not leave your child unattended in the building or drop them off in front of the building.

Campers in PM Care will be brought to their extended care counselor at 3:45pm. You may pick up your camper from PM Care at your convenience between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm by going to the Youth & Family Office on the 3rd floor. You will be asked to provide an ID when signing your camper out. PM Care Drive-through is at Walnut St from 5:45 – 6:00 pm. Please see the below drop-down on Drive-Through for more details. If you need to pick up your camper at the earlier Drive-Through, please call the Camp Hotline (415.563.6608) to inform Camp staff.

Please note that we use different counseling staff for AM & PM Care. The staff member in the morning is not your child’s daytime counselor. If you need to speak to your child’s regular camp staff, please call the office during regular camp hours.

First Day Check-In

There is no curbside drop-off on the first day of each camp session. You must come into the atrium at 3200 California Street for check-in on the first day of your camp session.

Check-in is in the atrium and begins at 8:35 am, however camp does not begin until 9:00 am. You must walk your camper into the classroom after check-in; campers will be allowed into the rooms at 8:40 am.

On Monday mornings when your camper is beginning a new camp session – even if they have been at JCCSF Camps already this summer – you must walk your child into the building at 3200 California Street and go through the check-in process. During check-in, you will:

  • Make sure we have correct and updated health information for your child
  • Complete a signed waiver
  • Meet camp staff
  • Add authorized pick-ups to your list
  • Receive a camper T-shirt
  • Receive a dashboard placard to use for complimentary parking in the JCCSF garage during drop-off and pick-up or during the curbside drop-off and pick-up process
  • Deliver medications or special instructions regarding your child

If your camper is enrolled in AM Care, check-in directly at 8:00 am. AM Care is not a drop-in program. You must register for this program in advance and it often fills up. To add extended care, please complete our online registration process.

Dashboard Placards

You will receive a dashboard placard during first-day check-in that is valid for that session of camp. You may request as many placards as you will need for transporting your child to and from camp. The camp placard is needed for the following:

  • Complimentary parking in our garage for 30 minutes during drop-off and pick-up times by scanning the barcode on the dashboard placard when exiting the garage
    • If parking for longer than 30 minutes: Parking payments at the JCCSF are now automated. Keep your ticket when you park in the garage. Your parking placard will have a barcode on it. When you exit the parking garage, please scan your barcode and pay your remaining balance. If the free 30 minutes is not automatically applied, please see Customer Service at the Front Desk for support. More information about parking at the JCCSF.
  • Curbside drop-off and pick-up at our drive-through

Drop-Off Procedures

Except for the first day of each camp session (when you must walk your camper into the atrium for check-in), there are two ways to drop-off your camper: walk with them to their camp room or drop them off at our curbside drop-off.

If you choose to bring your camper into their homeroom, you can do so between 8:40 – 9:00 am. The JCCSF is served by many MUNI lines, we have bike parking outside or you can park in the JCCSF parking garage (using your parking placard for 30 minutes of complimentary parking).

Please look out for a welcome email the week before your camp starts with the specific drop-off location for your camp.

  • Make sure that you display your parking placard on your dashboard so that camp and security staff can easily identify you as a camp family and help facilitate your curbside process.
  • If you are driving, please do not get out of your car. Camp staff will be available to open the door and help your camper out of their car seat or seatbelt.
  • There is no overlap with Preschool camp drop-off. You must walk both campers to their rooms or go through the drop-off for each camper.
  • For the Walnut Street drop-off, please be advised that for safety, you may only enter by making a right turn onto Walnut Street from California Street and turning right into our curbside drop-off. You will not be allowed to make a left turn into the curbside drop-off if you are coming south from Sacramento Street.

Again, curbside drop-off is not available on the first day of a camp session. After checking in in the atrium, you must bring your camper into their room.

Pick-Up Procedures

Campers will only be released to parents or adults whom you have authorized in writing to pick up your child. If your child will be picked up by someone not already on your list, you must notify us in advance by emailing camp@jccsf.org. You can also add more people to your authorized list during Check-In on the first day of camp. If you need to pick up your camper before 3:30pm, please call the Camp Hotline (415.563.6608) to make arrangements. When you arrive, go to the Camp Office to sign out your camper. Be prepared to show ID and camp staff will direct you to your camper. We are not able to accommodate early pick-ups after 3:15 pm without advance notice.

If you have more than one camper with different pick-up procedures, you will not need to go to both locations. The camper with the earlier pick-up will be brought to the camper with a later pick-up. We will confirm this logistic at Check-In on the first day of camp.

If you have not picked up your camper by the end of your pick-up time, your child will be taken to the office where they will wait while we try to reach you. After 4:30 pm your child will be brought to PM Care and you will be charged for the day.

Each of our curbside pickup locations have two drive-through windows: 3:40 – 4:00 pm and 4:00 – 4:15 pm. Please reference this webpage for your camper’s drive-through time and location.

Some helpful tips:

For the Walnut St Drive-Through: for safety, you may only enter by making a right turn onto Walnut Street from California Street and turning right into our curbside drop-off. You will not be allowed to make a left turn into the curbside drop-off if you are coming south from Sacramento Street.

For the California St. Drive-Through: please pull all the way up to the parking garage entrance. A camp staff member will check in with you and bring your camper to the car. Please do not double park or leave your vehicle.

For both Drive-Throughs: Make sure that you display your parking placard on your dashboard so that camp and security staff can easily identify you as a camp family and help facilitate your curbside process. Please be sure your camper’s name is clearly written.

Be prepared to show valid ID for when signing out your camper.

If you are driving, please do not get out of your car. Camp staff will be available to open the door and help your camper into their car seat or seatbelt.

If you are arriving by public transportation, bicycle or walking, you may walk to the Walnut St. curbside pickup from the pedestrian gate on Walnut Street, about halfway up the block. You may walk up to the California St. Pickup just west of the main entrance.

Absences/Early Pickup

Please notify the camp office via the Camp Parent Hotline (415.563.6608) or email (camp@jccsf.org) at any time if your child will not be attending camp, will be late to camp or will be picked up early.

If you need to pick up your camper before the end of the camp day, please make arrangements with the Camp Office to ensure that your camper is not offsite when you arrive.

If you wish to pick up your camper early, we ask that you please come and pick them up in the camp office. Early pick-up will not be available after 3:15 pm without advance notice.

Parking Garage Updates

As a reminder, summer camp families can park in the garage for free for up to 30 minutes when dropping off or picking up campers while camp is in session. If you parked for 30 minutes or less, you can skip our new pay stations, drive directly to the exit gate and scan the bar code printed on the dashboard placard you received at check-in on the first day. Any parking exceeding 30 minutes will be charged at the exit station. If you have any questions about parking, please email support@jccsf.org, call 415.292.1200, or visit our parking page for more information.

Health & Safety


The JCCSF follows the guidance of the SFDPH on issues related to COVID-19. View the most recent updates here JCCSF COVID-19 Information.

It is optional for campers to wear a mask both indoors and outdoors and we do not require your child to be vaccinated for COVID-19.


Please be in touch with the camp office before coming to camp if your child needs to be given medication (prescriptions, over-the-counter, homeopathic or vitamins) during the camp day. We are not a staffed medical facility and cannot guarantee we can accommodate each medication schedule or need. Please keep in mind that there is no medical staff on site, but we do have an RN on call. For camp to administer any medications, the following must be provided by the Wednesday before your child’s first day at camp:

  • Signed permission
  • Directions for administering the medication that match those labeled on the bottle
  • Medications clearly marked with the camper’s name and physician’s name
  • Medications in their original container (no plastic baggies please)

All medications will be locked in and dispensed by the Camp Office. We keep records of each time a medication is dispensed. We cannot give any medication, including over-the-counter medication without your written permission.


Campers may keep asthma inhalers.


If your camper has an EpiPen, please make sure that you check it in with the front office so that we can record it, and ensure that it is with your camper at all times. EpiPens not checked into the office, and left in camper’s backpacks run the risk of not being with your camper if needed. All EpiPens will be given to lead counselors after they are checked in and will always stay with the camper’s group.

Medical Emergencies/Injuries

In case of a medical emergency, you have already given your consent to allow the camp to seek emergency medical treatment. If an emergency arises, we:

  • Assess the situation
  • Call 911, if necessary
  • Contact the parents or guardian, then the child’s emergency contact if the parent cannot be reached
  • Transport the child to a medical facility if necessary and parents cannot be reached
  • Stay with the child until parent or emergency contact arrives

We will call all primary contacts listed on the registration page. If we are unable to contact guardians via telephone, we will attempt emergency contacts. If necessary, we will use email and text messages secondarily.

If a child is injured and requires only minor first aid, we will treat the child and call the parents or guardians to let them know.

Head Bumps

Any camper that sustains a head bump during camp will be brought to the office and monitored. Parents or guardians will be notified.


If your child is ill, please keep them at home. While we recognize the difficulty this poses for working parents, we are not equipped to care for sick campers.

Parents will be asked to pick up any camper with a fever, stomach ailment, lice or infectious disease. If a camper simply does not feel well, but does not have a fever, we will allow them to rest briefly in the office under observation. If they do not feel better, we will contact parents and ask that the sick child be picked up from camp.

A camper may not attend camp when he/she presents any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever more than 98.6⁰ Fahrenheit. Camper may not return to camp until there has been no fever for 24 hours
  • Excessive sneezing, coughing, runny nose or difficulty breathing
  • Unidentified rash
  • Ear infection not yet seen by a physician
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Lice. Campers may not return to camp until they are egg and nit free.
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye, red or crusty eyes). Campers may not return to camp until 24 hours after the start of antibiotic treatment.

You must notify camp of any contagious conditions (lice, conjunctivitis, strep throat, etc.) so we may notify other families that their children may have been exposed.

Sun Safety

To prevent sunburns, please apply sunscreen to your camper each morning, even if it is foggy or cloudy outside. We also have extra sunscreen at camp and will make sure campers reapply sunscreen during the day when we are at the park or on a field trip. Please notify the Camp Office if your camper is allergic to sunscreen.

Behavior Expectations

On the first day of each session, we will share with campers our expectations and consequences for inappropriate behavior. Although we always hope for appropriate behavior at camp, challenges do occur. Families will be kept informed of and involved in any problems that arise. Camp staff is trained to address behavior issues in a positive manner. The JCCSF reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any child from the camp program if the JCCSF concludes in its sole discretion that the child’s conduct is disruptive to the camp program.

Mandated Reporting

In the state of California, all professionals who work with children are “mandated reporters” of suspected child abuse, and as such, are required by law to report “reasonable suspicion” of child abuse to either a law enforcement agency or a county child protective agency. This law was created to protect children and to provide services for families. Child abuse (including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional or physical neglect) must be reported when a legally mandated reporter, such as our camp staff, has knowledge of or observes a child in their professional capacity, or within the scope of their employment, drawing when appropriate on their training and experience, to suspect child abuse. The JCCSF camp staff is experienced and trained in assessing situations that may lead them to make a child abuse referral, which includes, but is not limited to, the following: physical indicators of abuse, behavioral/psychological indicators displayed by the child during their time at camp, environmental problems, parents’ suspicions and statements made by the child.

Food at Camp

Kashrut (Food) Policy

The JCCSF maintains a policy respectful of Kashrut, Jewish dietary laws. The laws of Kashrut prohibit the mixing of milk and meat and prohibit certain foods, such as pork and shellfish. In adherence with our policy, all food served at camp is either strictly kosher or vegetarian. We request that campers do not bring pork or shellfish into the JCCSF. This includes pepperoni, salami or ham sandwiches.

Nut Policy & Food Allergies


Please do not send your child to camp with a lunch or snack that includes any nut products. This is to protect the safety of our campers and staff with severe allergies. If you are looking for a peanut butter alternative, please consider Sun Butter, a spread made from sunflower seeds. All food that is offered at camp is nut free. Please be sure to inform us if your child has any food allergies. Staff will do their best to accommodate your child and when possible, offer alternative choices for a child with food allergies. You may wish to send your child to camp with a snack if you have concerns. We cannot guarantee a completely nut free environment, but we will do our best.


All campers must bring lunch to camp each day in a reusable bag or lunch box, clearly marked with their name. Do not forget to include a beverage. We are unable to provide refrigeration or reheating for any lunches. We will notify you in advance if we will be providing lunch. Please be mindful of the kashrut and nut policies when packing lunch.

Exciting news! With Wise Sons officially open at the JCCSF, we are thrilled to announce we will be partnering with their team for Summer Camp 2025 to provide a daily lunch option for our school-age campers. More details on placing orders is coming soon.


We provide a healthy snack each afternoon. Please pack a morning snack in your child’s lunchbox, especially if your child tends to get hungry early in the day. If your child has special dietary needs or food allergies, make sure to include them on the health form.

T-shirts, Prohibited Items & Lost Items


Camp t-shirts are ordered for each camper according to the size indicated on their camp registration form and will be given to your child during the first day of their first session. It is important for campers to wear their camp t-shirts on field trips so they can be easily identified. Please label your child’s t-shirt.

Prohibited Items

For the safety of your child and the other campers, we do not allow the following items at camp:

  • Live animals or pets
  • Electronic games
  • Trading cards, including Pokémon, Magic, and collecting cards
  • Personal iPod, CD or MP3 player
  • Jewelry or other valuables
  • Cell phones (Outbound campers may bring cell phones on off-site field trips only)
  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Weapons, including any type of pocketknife
  • Lighters or cigarettes
  • Stuffed animals or dolls
  • Personal toys, including sports equipment

We will ask campers to inventory their belongings in the presence of staff if the health and safety of other campers and staff indicates the need. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen or ruined items.

Lost & Found Policy

We encourage parents to label all items that will be coming to camp. The JCCSF is not responsible for any theft, lost items or items left unattended. We understand that things might get left behind, and if we find them, they will be put in our lost & found area. Any items left unclaimed for more than 3 weeks will be donated and cleared. The lost & found will be emptied and donated.

Payment & Registration Policies


A nonrefundable deposit of $150 per child, per camp is due with registration, including those who are applying for financial assistance. Individual camp sessions may be one to three weeks long; each camp session requires a deposit. All fees must be paid in full for Extended Care at the time of registration. If you cannot afford the initial deposit and intend to apply for financial assistance, please contact the camp office prior to registration. You may pay by ACH, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover (credit card charges incur a 3% fee).


Payment is due in full by May 6, 2025.  Outstanding balances will be automatically charged on May 6, 2025 to the stored account added during registration. If you wish to pay using a different payment method, please make the payment before the pay-in-full date.  If you would like to change your payment method, contact us. Registrations not paid in full by May 6, 2025 may be canceled and the spot opened to our waitlist.  Registrations after May 6, 2025 must be paid in full at the time of registration and are nonrefundable.

Tax ID #94-3227260.

Refunds and Changes

Summer Camp registrations will be refundable, minus the deposit, until May 6, 2025. A deposit of $150 per child, per camp is due with registration. All fees must be paid in full for Extended Care at the time of registration. There will be no refunds after May 6, 2025 for Summer Camp.

There are no refunds or reductions in fees for days missed due to illness, absence, vacations, suspensions, dismissal, or change in family circumstances during camp sessions. There is a $40 transfer fee per change for switching the sessions and/or programs for which your child is registered after initial enrollment, except for changes resulting from changes in waitlist status. Transfer fees must be paid in full at the time of transfer.


Newly available spaces in camps will be filled from the waitlist by the Camp Office on a strict first-come, first-served basis. Camp participants may not offer their canceled spot to another child.  Should a camp be filled, you may register your child for the camp waitlist at no cost.  If a space becomes available, the Camp Office will contact you to see if you are still interested in enrolling your child in the camp.  If you accept, enrollment will be subject to the policies noted herein.  Should you decline or fail to complete enrollment within the time set forth, you will lose your place on the wait list for that particular camp and/or session.

Conduct & Policies

We want our camps to be a fun, positive and safe experience for all campers. We expect all campers and parents to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and to support our efforts to achieve this goal, including honoring camp policies. Accordingly, the JCCSF reserves the right to suspend or dismiss your child from the camp program if the JCCSF concludes in its sole discretion that your child’s or your conduct is disruptive to the camp program. No refunds or reduction in fees are issued for days missed due to suspension or dismissal.

Change in Programming

The JCCSF may, in its sole discretion, before or after commencement of the Camp program, change the manner or method in which the Camp program is offered and/or conducted. Such changes may include but are not limited to changing courses or programs or the method of offering courses or programs to accommodate governmental requirements or guidance. You will not be entitled to any refund or adjustment in amounts paid as a result of any changes to the Camp program.

Force Majeure

The JCCSF’s duties and obligations under this Agreement shall be suspended immediately without notice during all periods that the JCCSF or the Camp program is closed because of a force majeure event (“Force Majeure Event”) including, but not limited to, acts of God, severe acts of nature or weather events including floods, fires (including wildfires), earthquakes, or explosions; war, acts of terrorism, epidemics and pandemics; acts of governmental authorities such as expropriation, condemnation, shelter-in-place orders, orders restricting conduct of activities provided under this Agreement, and changes in laws and regulations; strikes and labor disputes and any other event beyond the JCCSF’s control. In response to a Force Majeure Event, the JCCSF may, but is not required to, relocate, modify, and/or reschedule its operations, abbreviating or extending scheduled breaks and/or scheduled days of no activities. If there is a Force Majeure Event, the JCCSF may cancel the Camp program, and if the Program is cancelled, the JCCSF shall have no obligation to refund any portion of the amounts paid.

Termination & Dismissal

The JCCSF believes that a positive and constructive working relationship between the Camp program, its students and their families is essential to fulfillment of the Camp program’s mission. The JCCSF reserves the right to suspend or terminate the enrollment of your child, if in the sole discretion of the JCCSF, your child’s performance, conduct or influence is not in keeping with the Camp program’s standards. Further, the JCCSF reserves the right to, at any time, terminate the enrollment of your child, if, in the sole discretion of the JCCSF, the JCCSF determines that your child, you, or other adult affiliated with your child and/or your child’s family fails to abide by the Camp program’s philosophy or policies, or acts or fails to act in such a way that a positive and constructive relationship is not possible.

Financial Assistance  

The JCCSF strives to make its programs accessible to individuals and families from all backgrounds. We may offer financial assistance, made possible by our generous supporters, to those who may not be able to afford to pay full program fees. To apply, visit jccsf.org/financialassistance or financialaid@jccsf.org.

Age Policy

Campers must be entering Kindergarten and at least 5 years old to attend Kindergarten Camps. Campers with summer birthdays may start in Preschool Camps and transfer to Kindergarten Camps or Specialty Camps once they are 5 years old. Campers entering Kindergarten but not turning 5 until Fall 2025 will be placed in the oldest group of our Preschool camp program.

Preschool Summer Camp (Helen Diller)

Welcome & Contact Info

We are excited that you have chosen the Helen Diller Family Preschool Summer Camp and we are looking forward to creating a memorable and enriching summer experience for your child! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Karyn Khan, Diller Assistant Site Director/Camp Director

kkhan@jccsf.org 415.697.3437

Hours & Drop-Off / Pick-Up Procedures

Camp Hours

AM Care: 8:10 – 9:00 am

Camp Hours: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Extended Day: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm

Car Placards, Drive-Through & JCCSF Parking Garage

Your placard and designated drop-off and pick-up times will be given to you on your child’s first day of each camp session. Drop-off and pick-up will either be through the Walnut Street drive-through, or in the preschool classroom. Free parking in the garage is available for a 30-minute, in-person drop-off and pick-up. Please have your placard on the dashboard, so security will know you’re here for preschool. Drive-through is not available for AM care drop-off. Please walk your child in/out if you are using AM care.

It is important to have your car placards visible on the dashboard during drive-through. This helps security and preschool staff identify preschool parents/caregivers.

Parking Garage Instructions

  • At Garage ENTRY, always pull a ticket.
  • At Garage EXIT, scan your ticket and the barcode on this placard. (Gate arm will open if within the 30-minute window.)
  • If parked longer than 30-minutes, pay for additional time at a pay station before returning to your vehicle.

Drive-Through Procedures

Please see the drive-through schedule for your child’s drive-through time and place.

As we are sharing drive-through with other camps it is important to adhere to the drop-off and pick-up times. The K – 10 camp counselors you see in drive-through after 8:45 are not part of the preschool summer camp and are not authorized to take your child.

If you need to pick up early, please email your teachers Karyn Khan (kkhan@jccsf.org) or Noel Marcelino (nmarcelino@jccsf.org) and let us know when you’re coming.

Classroom Assignment

By the Wednesday afternoon prior to the start of each session, new families will receive an email indicating your child’s teachers and classroom name for that upcoming session. If you do not receive this email by end of Thursday, please let Noel Marcelino know as soon as possible 415.292.1291.

Please note: If your child is enrolled at the Helen Diller Family Preschool this fall, their summer class placement is not necessarily the same as in the fall. Classrooms, teachers, and classmates might not remain the same in the fall.

Persons Authorized to Pick-up Your Child

We will only release your child to persons designated as authorized on your preschool summer camp registration form. If someone other than those indicated will be picking up your child on any particular day, you must notify Karyn Khan (kkhan@jccsf.org) or Noel Marcelino (nmarcelino@jccsf.org) in advance, in person. Please let us know the person’s full name and be sure that they can provide photo ID and have a car placard if driving. If you would like to permanently add or delete an authorized person, please do so with Karyn in person.


Each child must be signed in and out each day by a parent or an adult who has been previously and officially authorized to do so by the parent/caregiver. This is a state licensing mandate. Both the full signature (initials are not sufficient, and the signature must be legible) and the time of pick up must be included. If you forget to sign-in you will be notified that you need to return as soon as possible to do so.

No Dog Policy

Based on the State of California Community Care Licensing Division requirement, no dogs will be allowed on any preschool site at any time. Those families who bring their dogs to the preschool at arrival or dismissal time must keep their dogs in the car or tied up away from the perimeter of the preschool. No dogs may be tied up in the driveway at the Diller Preschool.

Health & Safety

Physician’s Report

If your child is new to the Helen Diller Family Preschool, you should have received a Physician’s Report with your email confirmation. This report must be signed by your child’s physician and be submitted to the office no later than May 6, 2025 in order to meet licensing regulations and to allow your child to attend. Your child will not be permitted to attend camp until these forms have been received.

Health & Safety

The health and safety of your child is our primary concern. If your child is ill, please keep them home, regardless of whether the symptoms are related to COVID-19. If they develop a fever and have a temperature of 100⁰ Fahrenheit or more, your child will be sent home.

Returning to Camp After Illness

If your child gets tested for COVID-19, they can return after:

  • A negative test AND
  • 24 hours with no fever without taking medicines to lower a fever, like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
  • 3 days since symptoms have improved. The symptoms do not have to be completely better.
  • Families must show proof of their child’s negative test.

If your child is not tested, they can return after:

  • A doctor’s note is provided, clearing them to return to school AND
  • without taking medicines to lower a fever, like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).

If your child gets sick while at camp, they will be removed from the classroom and supervised by an administrator, where they can wait while we contact you. You’ll need to get them right away in order to ensure the safety of other campers and staff. Parents will also be asked to pick up any camper with a stomach ailment, lice or other infectious disease.

Children may not attend camp when they present any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100⁰ Fahrenheit or more. Children may not return to camp until there has been no fever for 24 hours
  • Excessive sneezing, coughing, runny nose or difficulty breathing
  • Unidentified rash
  • Ear infection not yet seen by a physician
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Lice. Campers may not return to camp until they are egg and nit free.
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye, red or crusty eyes). Campers may not return to camp until 24 hours after the start of antibiotic treatment.

You must notify camp of any contagious conditions (lice, conjunctivitis, strep throat, etc.) so we may notify other families that their children may have been exposed.

To protect the health of other children and our staff, California State Licensing Requirements prohibit us from allowing any child showing definite signs of illness to come to or stay at school.

If you suspect your child has been exposed to any contagious disease (i.e. chickenpox, or measles), please inform the staff at once; so that we may watch for symptoms and we may warn other parents, especially pregnant women for whom these diseases pose a special risk. Medical Alerts for contagious diseases will be posted as quickly as possible at the school site and families will be notified of potential exposure. We will not disclose the name of the child. See the list following for diseases that must be reported.

Contagious Illnesses Which Must Be Reported to the Preschool immediately

  • Chickenpox
  • Impetigo
  • Strep Throat
  • Ringworm
  • Meningitis
  • Mumps
  • Lice
  • Measles (Red Measles, Seven to Ten Day Measles)
  • Scabies
  • Rubella (Three Day Measles, German Measles)
  • Hepatitis
  • Roseola
  • Giardia
  • Scarlet Fever
  • Campylobacter
  • Coxsackie (Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease)
  • “Slap Cheek”
  • Conjunctivitis

Conditions Required for Returning to Preschool Post Illness

  • Child must be free of fever, vomiting, or diarrhea for 24 hours
  • Child with green/yellow nasal discharge must be cleared by a physician that he/she is not contagious
  • When antibiotic treatment has been given, child may return to preschool 24hours after antibiotic treatment has begun
  • Following Conjunctivitis (redness or eye with puffy eyelid or yellow-green discharge), child may return 24 hours after treatment.
  • Following Lice, child may return after lice treatment, all nits are removed, and there is no evidence of nits.


We require that each family apply sunscreen to your child as part of your morning routine before school.

Camp Dismissal Policy

Our child-centered approach seeks to accommodate a wide range of individual differences; it is only on rare occasions that a child’s behavior may warrant the need to find a more suitable setting. Accordingly, the JCCSF reserves the right to dismiss your child from the summer camp program if the JCCSF concludes, at its sole discretion, that we are not able to accommodate his/her needs.

Food at Camp

Lunch and snack time are important times in the child’s preschool day, as it is not only a time to eat a nutritious meal, but a time for children to socialize with their friends and the preschool staff in small groups. Parents must provide lunch. Preschool will provide two snacks during preschool, and a snack for EDP. These times also give children the opportunity to practice eating on their own and learning about nutrition and healthy foods. We encourage families to bring a nutritious lunch, including a drink (labeled with your child’s name) to camp. Please bring a water bottle labeled with your child’s name. We also ask you to observe the Jewish Kashrut Policy by not sending any pork or shellfish in your child’s lunch. All other foods are acceptable. We encourage you to provide small pieces of your child’s favorite foods, paying particular attention to limiting the amounts of sugar and processed foods you send. Please help us with the effort by not including candy or sugary desserts in your child’s lunch. Leftovers, sandwiches, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, cheese sticks, crackers, fruits and vegetables are some suggestions for lunches.

Our preschool is NUT FREE, so please do not send your child to school with nuts in any form in his/her lunch.

Clothing & Footwear

Change of Clothing

Please send your child on the first day of camp with a complete change of clothing in a large ziplock bag with your child’s name clearly marked. Be sure to label each article of clothing. This should include: pants, shirt, socks, underwear, shoes and a sweatshirt/sweater. Please remember that children at our camp play with mud, water, glue and paint. Be sure to send your child in clothes that can get stained and dirty. If your child comes home with wet or dirty extra clothes, be sure to replenish the extra clothes supply the next day.


Please note that for safety reasons, Crocs and flip-flops are not permitted at camp. If children wear sandals, they must have a secure ankle strap. For running and climbing we recommend closed-toe sturdy shoes/sneakers.

Payment & Registration Policies


A nonrefundable deposit of $150 per child, per camp is due with registration, including those who are applying for financial assistance. Individual camp sessions may be one to three weeks long; each camp session requires a deposit. All fees must be paid in full for Extended Care (AM Care) at the time of registration. If you cannot afford the initial deposit and intend to apply for financial assistance, please contact the camp office prior to registration. You may pay by ACH, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover (credit card charges incur a 3% fee).


Payment is due in full by May 6, 2025.  Outstanding balances will be automatically charged on May 6, 2025 to the stored account added during registration. If you wish to pay using a different payment method, please make the payment before the pay-in-full date.  If you would like to change your payment method, contact us. Registrations not paid in full by May 6, 2024 may be canceled and the spot opened to our waitlist.  Registrations after May 6, 2025 must be paid in full at the time of registration and are nonrefundable.

Tax ID #94-3227260.

Refunds and Changes

Summer Camp registrations will be refundable, minus the deposit, until May 6, 2025. A deposit of $150 per child, per camp is due with registration. All fees must be paid in full for Extended Care at the time of registration. There will be no refunds after May 6, 2025 for Summer Camp.

There are no refunds or reductions in fees for days missed due to illness, absence, vacations, suspensions, dismissal, or change in family circumstances during camp sessions. There is a $40 transfer fee per change for switching the sessions and/or programs for which your child is registered after initial enrollment, except for changes resulting from changes in waitlist status. Transfer fees must be paid in full at time of transfer.


Newly available spaces in camps will be filled from the waitlist by the Camp Office on a strict first-come, first-served basis. Camp participants may not offer their canceled spot to another child.  Should a camp be filled, you may register your child for the camp waitlist at no cost.  If a space becomes available, the Camp Office will contact you to see if you are still interested in enrolling your child in the camp.  If you accept, enrollment will be subject to the policies noted herein.  Should you decline or fail to complete enrollment within the time set forth, you will lose your place on the wait list for that particular camp and/or session.

Conduct & Policies

We want our camps to be a fun, positive and safe experience for all campers. We expect all campers and parents to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and to support our efforts to achieve this goal, including honoring camp policies. Accordingly, the JCCSF reserves the right to suspend or dismiss your child from the camp program if the JCCSF concludes in its sole discretion that your child’s or your conduct is disruptive to the camp program. No refunds or reduction in fees are issued for days missed due to suspension or dismissal.

Change in Programming

The JCCSF may, in its sole discretion, before or after commencement of the Camp program, change the manner or method in which the Camp program is offered and/or conducted. Such changes may include but are not limited to changing courses or programs or the method of offering courses or programs to accommodate governmental requirements or guidance. You will not be entitled to any refund or adjustment in amounts paid as a result of any changes to the Camp program.

Force Majeure

The JCCSF’s duties and obligations under this Agreement shall be suspended immediately without notice during all periods that the JCCSF or the Camp program is closed because of a force majeure event (“Force Majeure Event”) including, but not limited to, acts of God, severe acts of nature or weather events including floods, fires (including wildfires), earthquakes, or explosions; war, acts of terrorism, epidemics and pandemics; acts of governmental authorities such as expropriation, condemnation, shelter-in-place orders, orders restricting conduct of activities provided under this Agreement, and changes in laws and regulations; strikes and labor disputes and any other event beyond the JCCSF’s control. In response to a Force Majeure Event, the JCCSF may, but is not required to, relocate, modify, and/or reschedule its operations, abbreviating or extending scheduled breaks and/or scheduled days of no activities. If there is a Force Majeure Event, the JCCSF may cancel the Camp program, and if the Program is cancelled, the JCCSF shall have no obligation to refund any portion of the amounts paid.

Termination & Dismissal

The JCCSF believes that a positive and constructive working relationship between the Camp program, its students and their families is essential to fulfillment of the Camp program’s mission. The JCCSF reserves the right to suspend or terminate the enrollment of your child, if in the sole discretion of the JCCSF, your child’s performance, conduct or influence is not in keeping with the Camp program’s standards. Further, the JCCSF reserves the right to, at any time, terminate the enrollment of your child, if, in the sole discretion of the JCCSF, the JCCSF determines that your child, you, or other adult affiliated with your child and/or your child’s family fails to abide by the Camp program’s philosophy or policies, or acts or fails to act in such a way that a positive and constructive relationship is not possible.

Financial Assistance  

The JCCSF strives to make its programs accessible to individuals and families from all backgrounds. We may offer financial assistance, made possible by our generous supporters, to those who may not be able to afford to pay full program fees. To apply, visit jccsf.org/financialassistance or financialaid@jccsf.org.

Age Policy

Preschool campers must be between the ages of 2 – 5. Children enrolled in our Global Music Makers camp must be 2 years old by the time they start camp.

Preschool Summer Camp (Brotherhood Way)

Welcome & Contact Info

We are excited that you have chosen Brotherhood Way Preschool Summer Camp and we are looking forward to creating a memorable and enriching summer experience for your child! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Edna Vaknin, Brotherhood Way Preschool Director

evaknin@jccsf.org 415.802.1533

Arianna Carino, Administrator

acarino@jccsf.org 415.333.4289

Hours & Drop-Off / Pick-Up Procedures

Camp Hours

Camp runs Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

AM Care is available from 8:00 – 9:00 am

PM Care is available from 1:00 – 3:00 pm or 1:00 – 6:00 pm

Drop-Off Procedures 

Entrance will be permitted through the BW main gate only.  

  • Short-term parking is available at Lake Merced Church of Christ and Calvary Armenian Congregational Church, west of the preschool on Brotherhood Way during the drop-off and pickup times. 
  • Watch for our security guard and follow instructions. 
  • Cross only at the permitted area. 
  • Sign your child in and out upon pickup and drop-off and meet the teacher at the gate. 

Families need to arrange pick up no later than 5:45 pm, It is extremely important to both your child and the school that you arrive on time for pickup. Our teachers work long days and need to leave at 6:00 pm. 

Classroom Rosters

By the Wednesday afternoon prior to the start of each weekly session, new families will receive an email indicating your child’s teachers, classmates and classroom name for that upcoming session. If you do not receive this email by end of Thursday, please let Theresa know as soon as possible.

Please note: If your child is enrolled at the Brotherhood Way Preschool this fall, their summer class placement is not necessarily the same as in the fall. Classrooms, teachers, and classmates might not remain the same in the fall.

Persons Authorized to Pick-up Your Child

We will only release your child to persons designated as authorized on your preschool summer camp registration form. If someone other than those indicated will be picking up your child on any particular day, you must notify Arianna in advance, in person. Please let us know the person’s full name and be sure that they can provide photo ID. If you would like to permanently add or delete an authorized person, please stop by our office in person.

Sign in/Sign out

Each child must be signed in and out each day by a parent or an adult who has been previously and officially authorized to do so by the parent/caregiver. This is a state licensing mandate. Both the full signature (initials are not sufficient, and the signature must be legible) and the time of pick up must be included. If you forget to sign in you will be notified that you need to return as soon as possible to do so.

No Dog Policy

Based on the State of California Community Care Licensing Division requirement, no dogs will be allowed on any preschool site at any time. Those families who bring their dogs to the preschool at arrival or dismissal time must keep their dogs in the car or tied up away from the perimeter of the preschool. No dogs may be tied up in the driveway at the Brotherhood Way Preschool.

Health & Safety

Physician’s Report

If your child is new to Brotherhood Way Preschool, you should have received a Physician’s Report with your email confirmation. This report must be signed by your child’s physician and be submitted to the office no later than May 6, 2025 in order to meet licensing regulations and to allow your child to attend. Your child will not be permitted to attend camp until these forms have been received.

Health & Safety

The health and safety of your child is our primary concern. If your child is ill, please keep them home, regardless of whether the symptoms are related to COVID-19. If they develop a fever and have a temperature of 100⁰ Fahrenheit or more, your child will be sent home.

Returning to Camp After Illness

If your child gets tested for COVID-19, they can return after:

  • A negative test AND
  • 24 hours with no fever without taking medicines to lower a fever, like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
  • 3 days since symptoms have improved. The symptoms do not have to be completely better.
  • Families must show proof of their child’s negative test.

If your child is not tested, they can return after:

  • A doctor’s note is provided, clearing them to return to school AND
  • without taking medicines to lower a fever, like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).

If your child gets sick while at camp, they will be removed from the classroom and supervised by an administrator, where they can wait while we contact you. You’ll need to get them right away in order to ensure the safety of other campers and staff. Parents will also be asked to pick up any camper with a stomach ailment, lice or other infectious disease.

Children may not attend camp when they present any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100⁰ Fahrenheit or more. Children may not return to camp until there has been no fever for 24 hours
  • Excessive sneezing, coughing, runny nose or difficulty breathing
  • Unidentified rash
  • Ear infection not yet seen by a physician
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Lice. Campers may not return to camp until they are egg and nit free.
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye, red or crusty eyes). Campers may not return to camp until 24 hours after the start of antibiotic treatment.

You must notify camp of any contagious conditions (lice, conjunctivitis, strep throat, etc.) so we may notify other families that their children may have been exposed.

To protect the health of other children and our staff, California State Licensing Requirements prohibit us from allowing any child showing definite signs of illness to come to or stay at camp.

If you suspect your child has been exposed to any contagious disease (i.e. chickenpox, or measles), please call our office 415.333.4289 so that we may watch for symptoms and we may warn other parents, especially pregnant women for whom these diseases pose a special risk. Medical Alerts for contagious diseases will be posted as quickly as possible at the camp site and families will be notified of potential exposure. We will not disclose the name of the child. See the list following for diseases that must be reported.

Contagious Illnesses Which Must Be Reported to the Preschool immediately

  • Chickenpox
  • Impetigo
  • Strep Throat
  • Ringworm
  • Meningitis
  • Mumps
  • Lice
  • Measles (Red Measles, Seven to Ten Day Measles)
  • Scabies
  • Rubella (Three Day Measles, German Measles)
  • Hepatitis
  • Roseola
  • Giardia
  • Scarlet Fever
  • Campylobacter
  • Coxsackie (Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease)
  • “Slap Cheek”
  • Conjunctivitis

Conditions Required for Returning to Preschool Post Illness

  • Child must be free of fever, vomiting, or diarrhea for 24 hours
  • Child with green/yellow nasal discharge must be cleared by a physician that he/she is not contagious
  • When antibiotic treatment has been given, child may return to preschool 24hours after antibiotic treatment has begun
  • Following Conjunctivitis (redness or eye with puffy eyelid or yellow-green discharge), child may return 24 hours after treatment.
  • Following Lice, child may return after lice treatment, all nits are removed, and there is no evidence of nits.


We require that each family apply sunscreen to your child as part of your morning routine before camp. Staff will reapply during the day.

Camp Dismissal Policy

Our child-centered approach seeks to accommodate a wide range of individual differences; it is only on rare occasions that a child’s behavior may warrant the need to find a more suitable setting. Accordingly, the JCCSF reserves the right to dismiss your child from the summer camp program if the JCCSF concludes, at its sole discretion, that we are not able to accommodate his/her needs.

Food at Camp

Lunch and snack time are important times in the child’s camp day, as it is not only a time to eat a nutritious meal, but a time for children to socialize with their friends and the camp staff in small groups. Parents must provide lunch. Preschool will provide two snacks during camp, and a snack for EDP. These times also give children the opportunity to practice eating on their own and learning about nutrition and healthy foods. We encourage families to bring a nutritious lunch and snack, including a drink (labeled with your child’s name) to camp. You can either bring a labeled water bottle or staff will provide water to accompany lunch if your child wants it. We also ask you to observe the Jewish Kashrut Policy by not sending any pork or shellfish in your child’s lunch. All other foods are acceptable. We encourage you to provide small pieces of your child’s favorite foods, paying particular attention to limiting the amounts of sugar and processed foods you send. Please help us with the effort by not including candy or sugary desserts in your child’s lunch. Leftovers, sandwiches, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, cheese sticks, crackers, fruits and vegetables are some suggestions for lunches.

Our center is NUT FREE, so please do not send your child to camp with nuts in any form in their lunch.

Clothing & Footwear

Change of Clothing

Please send your child on the first day of camp with a complete change of clothing in a large ziplock bag with your child’s name clearly marked. Be sure to label each article of clothing. This should include: pants, shirt, socks, underwear, shoes and a sweatshirt/sweater. Please remember that children at our camp play with mud, water, glue and paint. Be sure to send your child in clothes that can get stained and dirty. If your child comes home with wet or dirty extra clothes, be sure to replenish the extra clothes supply the next day.


Please note that for safety reasons, Crocs and flip-flops are not permitted at camp. If children wear sandals, they must have a secure ankle strap. For running and climbing we recommend closed-toe sturdy shoes/sneakers.

Payment & Registration Policies


A nonrefundable deposit of $150 per child, per camp is due with registration, including those who are applying for financial assistance. Individual camp sessions may be one to three weeks long; each camp session requires a deposit. All fees must be paid in full for Extended Care at the time of registration. If you cannot afford the initial deposit and intend to apply for financial assistance, please contact the camp office prior to registration. You may pay by ACH, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover.


Payment is due in full by May 6, 2025.  Outstanding balances will be automatically charged on May 6, 2025 to the stored account added during registration. If you wish to pay using a different payment method, please make the payment before the pay-in-full date.  If you would like to change your payment method, contact us. Registrations not paid in full by May 6, 2025 may be canceled and the spot opened to our waitlist.  Registrations after May 6, 2025 must be paid in full at the time of registration and are nonrefundable.

Tax ID #94-3227260.

Refunds and Changes

Summer Camp registrations will be refundable, minus the deposit, until May 6, 2025. A deposit of $150 per child, per camp is due with registration. All fees must be paid in full for Extended Care at the time of registration. There will be no refunds after May 6, 2025 for Summer Camp.

There are no refunds or reductions in fees for days missed due to illness, absence, vacations, suspensions, dismissal, or change in family circumstances during camp sessions. There is a $40 transfer fee per change for switching the sessions and/or programs for which your child is registered after initial enrollment, except for changes resulting from changes in waitlist status. Transfer fees must be paid in full at time of transfer.


Newly available spaces in camps will be filled from the waitlist by the Camp Office on a strict first-come, first-served basis. Camp participants may not offer their canceled spot to another child.  Should a camp be filled, you may register your child for the camp waitlist at no cost.  If a space becomes available, the Camp Office will contact you to see if you are still interested in enrolling your child in the camp.  If you accept, enrollment will be subject to the policies noted herein.  Should you decline or fail to complete enrollment within the time set forth, you will lose your place on the wait list for that particular camp and/or session.

Conduct & Policies

We want our camps to be a fun, positive and safe experience for all campers. We expect all campers and parents to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and to support our efforts to achieve this goal, including honoring camp policies. Accordingly, the JCCSF reserves the right to suspend or dismiss your child from the camp program if the JCCSF concludes in its sole discretion that your child’s or your conduct is disruptive to the camp program. No refunds or reduction in fees are issued for days missed due to suspension or dismissal.

Change in Programming

The JCCSF may, in its sole discretion, before or after commencement of the Camp program, change the manner or method in which the Camp program is offered and/or conducted. Such changes may include but are not limited to changing courses or programs or the method of offering courses or programs to accommodate governmental requirements or guidance. You will not be entitled to any refund or adjustment in amounts paid as a result of any changes to the Camp program.

Force Majeure

The JCCSF’s duties and obligations under this Agreement shall be suspended immediately without notice during all periods that the JCCSF or the Camp program is closed because of a force majeure event (“Force Majeure Event”) including, but not limited to, acts of God, severe acts of nature or weather events including floods, fires (including wildfires), earthquakes, or explosions; war, acts of terrorism, epidemics and pandemics; acts of governmental authorities such as expropriation, condemnation, shelter-in-place orders, orders restricting conduct of activities provided under this Agreement, and changes in laws and regulations; strikes and labor disputes and any other event beyond the JCCSF’s control. In response to a Force Majeure Event, the JCCSF may, but is not required to, relocate, modify, and/or reschedule its operations, abbreviating or extending scheduled breaks and/or scheduled days of no activities. If there is a Force Majeure Event, the JCCSF may cancel the Camp program, and if the Program is cancelled, the JCCSF shall have no obligation to refund any portion of the amounts paid.

Termination & Dismissal

The JCCSF believes that a positive and constructive working relationship between the Camp program, its students and their families is essential to fulfillment of the Camp program’s mission. The JCCSF reserves the right to suspend or terminate the enrollment of your child, if in the sole discretion of the JCCSF, your child’s performance, conduct or influence is not in keeping with the Camp program’s standards. Further, the JCCSF reserves the right to, at any time, terminate the enrollment of your child, if, in the sole discretion of the JCCSF, the JCCSF determines that your child, you, or other adult affiliated with your child and/or your child’s family fails to abide by the Camp program’s philosophy or policies, or acts or fails to act in such a way that a positive and constructive relationship is not possible.

Financial Assistance  

The JCCSF strives to make its programs accessible to individuals and families from all backgrounds. We may offer financial assistance, made possible by our generous supporters, to those who may not be able to afford to pay full program fees. To apply, visit jccsf.org/financialassistance or financialaid@jccsf.org.

Age Policy

Preschool campers must be between the ages of 2 – 5. Children enrolled in our Global Music Makers camp must be 2 years old by the time they start camp.

Updated  12/12/2024

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