New Lehrhaus
Inspired by Franz Rosenzweig’s “Free Jewish Lehrhaus,” established in Frankfurt in 1920, New Lehrhaus is the modern-day hub for adult Jewish learning in the Bay Area.
New Lehrhaus is the Bay Area’s non-denominational adult Jewish learning institution dedicated to academic excellence, open inquiry, contemporary relevance and cultural and religious pluralism. New Lehrhaus brings students and teachers together in dialogue to explore Jewish sources, traditions, and arts, sustaining and enriching the vibrant spirit of Jewish civilization.
Explore Upcoming Events
Multi-session Programs
Profs. Robert Alter and Ron Hendel with Nicholas McGegan and Clifford (Kip) Cranna—From the Page to the Stage: The Bible in Text and Opera
Tuesdays, 1/14 – 3/11
7:00 – 8:30 PM, on Zoom (Began 1/14 but all sessions are recorded so one can join mid-way)
Rebecca Kaplan—To be a Jew in the World: Torah from Sinai to Oakland
Thursday, 2/6
7:00 – 8:30 PM, on Zoom
Prof. Daniel Boyarin—Jospehus: Traitor or Hero? to Oakland
Wednesdays, 2/26, 3/5
7:00 – 8:30 PM, on Zoom
Rev. Bruce Bramlett: Antisemitism: The Dynamics and History of the “Longest Hatred”
Mondays, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7, 4/21
7:00 – 8:30 PM, on Zoom
Dr. Jehon Grist and Dr. Eli Tadmor—In the Shadow of Empires: Assyria-Babylonia, Egypt and Biblical Israel
Thursdays, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3
7:00 – 8:30 PM, on Zoom
One-session Programs
Rachel B. Gross—A Pickle Problem: The Deli Revival and American Jewish Religion
Wednesday, 2/12
7:00 – 8:30 PM, on Zoom
Bonnie Weiss—The Amazing Irving Berlin: From “Yiddish Nightingale” to “White Christmas”
Wednesday, 2/19
7:00 – 9:00 PM, on Zoom
Rachel B. Gross—Preaching the Promised Land: Mary Antin’s American Religions
Tuesday, 3/18
7:00 – 8:30 PM, on Zoom
Visit to see their ever-expanding offering of programs, classes, lectures and workshops.