Discover The JCCSF
Hanukkah Coat Drive
Hanukkah at Thrive City
Week of Events & Classes
Hanukkah Coat Drive
Help keep families warm by donating new or lightly used coats of all sizes during the month of December.
Get into the holiday spirit with Hanukkah-inspired workouts. From Body Fit power moves to candlelight Yoga, to joyful rides, we’ll keep you glowing all season long.
Hanukkah at Thrive City
Hanukkah at Thrive City
Gather at the home of the Golden State Warriors to celebrate Hanukkah with a candle lighting and holiday activities.
Posture Perfect: Have fun, get fit!
Posture Perfect: Have fun, get fit!
Improve your posture by learning and practicing safe and effective exercises to feel better and sit and stand up straighter.
Hanukkah Candle Lighting
Hanukkah Candle Lighting
Light the community hanukkiyah with us in the atrium and enjoy live music, crafts and fried treats. Join us on these weekdays Dec 26, 27, 30 & 31. Candle-lighting at 4:30pm.
Hanukkah Candle Lighting
Hanukkah Candle Lighting
Light the community hanukkiyah with us in the atrium and enjoy live music, crafts and fried treats. Join us on these weekdays Dec 26, 27, 30 & 31. Candle-lighting at 4:30pm.

Support the JCCSF
You can help us thrive. You can make an impact. Make a gift to the At the Heart of it All campaign and ensure the JCCSF can continue to serve our community, invest in our staff and make our programming more dynamic than ever before.