Discover The JCCSF
High Holidays Community Food Drive
Week of Events & Classes
High Holidays Community Food Drive
Help us fill the JFCS food bank for those in need. Donations graciously accepted in the JCCSF lobby.
Posture Perfect: Have fun, get fit!
Posture Perfect: Have fun, get fit!
Improve your posture by learning and practicing safe and effective exercises to feel better and sit and stand up straighter.
Introduction to Age-friendly Design
Introduction to Age-friendly Design
People change, homes can too. Discover how your home can evolve with you, becoming a dynamic partner that enhances your everyday life.
Shofar Shout-Out
Shofar Shout-Out
Each Wednesday during Elul, hear the shofar blast and prepare for Rosh Hashanah with friends and community in the JCCSF lobby.
Strategies for Preventing Falls & Maintaining Balance
Strategies for Preventing Falls & Maintaining Balance
By understanding the mechanisms of balance decline and the benefits of exercise, you can proactively improve mobility while aging gracefully.

Support the JCCSF
You can help us thrive. You can make an impact. Make a gift to the At the Heart of it All campaign and ensure the JCCSF can continue to serve our community, invest in our staff and make our programming more dynamic than ever before.