Discover The JCCSF
Week of Events & Classes
Singing for Health: Coro Solera Sings Cinco de Mayo
Singing for Health: Coro Solera Sings Cinco de Mayo
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Mexican folk classics sung by the Community Music Center’s Coro Solera, directed by Martha Rodriguez-Salazar, with accompanist Jennifer Peringer.
Art Nouveau & Art Deco: The Quest for Beauty
Art Nouveau & Art Deco: The Quest for Beauty
Take a deep dive into the enduring world of Art Deco and Art Nouveau. After being introduced to each, we’ll learn how to appreciate their differences.
As we approach Mother’s Day, listen in as Elissa Strauss, Yael Goldstein-Love, Deena Aranoff and Lauren Schiller tell a new story about Jewish Motherhood
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